Which Way Is Up?

Which Way Is Up?

Have you ever been walking through life’s journey, sailing “smooth” and then…a crossroads appears? Have you ever felt sure about something and then one day you were forced to take a different “route”? Do you even think about life in theses terms? I know, lots of questions, but ask yourself if you’ve been driving or drifting? Most of us would probably not know which just means drifting, major. Ever been riding with someone who’s “iffy” behind the wheel and you wish you could boot them out of the drivers seat while car is in motion? You know the friend who will definitely give you a ride but stops fifteen other places first? Believe it or not, you’re that friend to yourself. Think about this: we all have some sort of idea where we want to go but we make unnecessary stops on the way. Of course im guilty or I would not be able to speak on this topic intelligently. But when do you decide to grab the wheel? That my friends is up to you. Food for thought.

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