Does Racism Still Exist

Does Racism Still Exist

Good day to all in the living land of TWICE. The question today is.. Does racism still exist?…….Does a bear shit in the woods and wipe its ass with a furry white rabbit?? Lets start by saying just because you dress something up to LOOK completely different does not mean it ceases to exist. That is like your mother going on Oprah for a makeover and as soon as they put the finishing touches on her she *POOFS* into thin air. Im sure the gentlemen who work for the defense dept have come up with clever contraptions but Im sure they have figured how to achieve this. Let me put it like this, racism will exist as long as racist people exist. Now to be honest we all have a bit of a racist inside. We are all guilty of stereotyping people at the mall or in line to get a cheeseburger. We all get nervous when a man with a head wrap walks in or when that group of BLACK men cross the street at 2 in the morning. This video is a great sociology experiment that exposes how people really think when they see certain races do certain things….

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